Сохраненная страница How to write a screenplay 20 lessons from star trek | Cosh software (25 Kb)
LESSON 1 Intrigue A movie must deliver a lot people want the drama the thrill of the ride the love interest the mystery to solve and somecomedy thrown in to boot Thats a tall order to fill But if your script can seamlessly integrate all of the above youve got a hit on your hands Now the romance doesnt have to be full blown just indicated as an attraction between two people Star Trek did an excellent job of this between Spock and Uhura LESSON 2 Characters Who We Care AboutThey brought to life charactersWhat makes a character worth watching 1 They are consistent they consistently have the same reactions 2 The way the characters interact with each other is what makes us want to watch One way to create a character we care about is by having him experience some form of suffering because pretty much every person has had some type of suffering in hisher life and in a sense can relate to his story even though theyve never fought in a galactic battle or lost a father the way Capt